Laura and Bob, Bob and Laura

Likes: Great lighting and color temperature, proper acoustics, coffee shops, taco Tuesday, 100% dark chocolate, mezcal cocktails, being individuals, community, playing music with our friends, functional and aesthetic architectural design, hot takes about music and design, cities, mountains, dragons and or light sabers, wifi lights, cats, tarot, cat tarot, whoever got up first to turn on the kettle, Jamaica Plain, building a tiny house (most of the time), hosting parties. 

Wait, you’re already married? 

What is marriage really? Well, it means a few things to us.

One is our declaration of love and intention to each other and our partnership. In January 2023, we went to a cabin in the woods of Maine, journal pages of “what marriage means to me” ready to be shared and discussed, we drew some cat tarot cards, and agreed we are ready. We headed out in the snow on Sunday morning to drink a little wine, burn a poem, read our vows, and seal it with a high five. This is our spiritual ceremony, our decision to be ourselves, and to be the partner the other deserves.

Two is full government. On our way up to Maine, we submitted our marriage application, and Reverend Evangelos signed the papers. Two months later and multiple trips to city hall by Laura to retrieve lost paperwork, we are married in the eyes of the state.

Three is our wedding celebration, which is what this is all about! Our community is an essential part of our partnership and we want both a ceremony and a big party, together, with you! You are the context of our day to day lives, the historians of our ups and downs, and the supporters and hype people of our futures. We are privileged to have you near or far and we want you to be a part of our marriage and ceremony.

So what’s up with the trout? 

It’s salmon! Our good friend Mikey has a silly habit of greeting you with a smile, asking “you been fishing today” followed by throwing his hand in between your legs and slapping your thighs back and forth. Very funny, very silly, and we picked up on the habit.

The post rationalization is that the rotating salmon exemplify our desire for equality in our partnership, our willingness to lead or be led, and when it’s time to swim upstream, to enjoy the journey.

Tiny House and Jamaica: 

In 2021 we asked each other how we want 2022 to be different. We considered traveling in a sprinter van, possible moves to other locations, change of professions, and landed on building a house first, and finding a location for it second. We loved the idea of a design+build project and we certainly got what we asked for. You’ve likely heard and kindly asked about our tiny house and we are happy to report we are in the last 1/3rd of the build. It’s been fun to design and humbling to build. 

In 2024 we were fortunate enough to find a couple of acres in Jamaica Vermont, a spot with lovely neighbors and a town with little zoning ordinances. We meadow seeded right before the snow and look forward to many years of cultivating a retreat in the green mountain state.